The 100 Best Movie Blogs
This list of the 100 best movie blogs is intended for those who have trouble finding quality sites to get their cinematic information. As you probably know, Google’s search results are full of blogs that haven’t been updated in months (or even years). In order to make your life a bit simpler, I’ve compiled this list of the 100 best movie blogs. They’re in no particular “ranked” order, but they are categorized.
Science Fiction Movie Blogs
These science fiction movie blogs deal with lasers, lighsabers and all manner of cool fanboy hardware. Science fiction movie blogs are some of the top movie blogs on the Internet.
- Space Ramblings – Features reviews and thoughts on sci-fi movies, comics, television shows and games.
- Film Blog – The Guardian, a leading online British newspaper, provides this blog filled with news about science fiction and fantasy movies.
- Science Fiction Buzz Blog – Blog devoted to science fiction movie news, as well as information on television shows and comic books.
- SciFi Scanner – American Movie Classics presents this blog which focuses on science fiction movie news and reviews.
- Suvudu – Science fiction movies, books and games.
- Biology in Science Fiction – A look at the biology present in current sci-fi movies, television and books.
- The Wertzone – A British perspective on science fiction movies and television shows.
- Slice of SciFi – Devoted to all things science fiction, this blog provides news, reviews and forums for the sci-fi fan.
- Star Wars Fanworks – Features online radio shows, parodies and dramas for fans of the Star Wars franchise.
- Sci Fi Stuff – Discussions and news about science fiction movies and television shows.
Movie Reviewer Blogs
These blogs are maintained by both professional and amateur movie critics. These are also some of the greatest movie blogs online.
- Roger Ebert’s Journal – Roger Ebert, the world’s most famous film critic, offers his opinions on movies and the state of cinema.
- Movie Reviews by CaptainD – CaptainD reviews new releases and older films, plus provides trailers and other information.
- Filmsy – Polly offers movie reviews and news in this frequently updated blog.
- Tassoula’s Movie Review Blog – Movie reviews from Tassoula E. Kokkoris, a Seattle-based film critic.
- Frame by Frame – Dr. Rus and Sandra offer up movie reviews and commentary with a family-friendly attitude.
- Connie’s Movie Reviews – Movie reviews from an AV librarian in Lebanon, Indiana.
- Daily Film Dose – Movie reviews and criticism from Alan Bacchus, a Toronto-based filmmaker, writer and critic.
- The Blog – Movie reviews of films featuring animals, plus critical reaction from both a human and their pet.
- Nicholas Chance, Kid Reviewer – Movie, book and video game reviews from a teenager in Florida.
- Holman’s Movie Review – Joe E. Holman offers timely movie reviews for a wide range of genres.
- DVD Verdict – At the time of this writing, their site includes almost 16,000 reviews of movies on DVD.
Movie News Blogs
If you’re looking for the latest movie news, you can’t go wrong with these blogs.
- SpoutBlog – Coverage of the film world ranging from classics and festivals to reviews and pod casts.
- IndieWire – Movie news items from all over the Internet are pulled together and posted at this blog.
- Cinematical – Lists the latest movie news, and also offers opinions on each item.
- MTV Movies Blog – Movie news and interviews, plus celebrity contributors such as Eli Roth and Judd Apatow.
- Film Junk Blog – This site promises the latest movie news, with a little sarcasm thrown in for good measure.
- SmartCine – Movie news and reviews, with lots of trailers also included.
- FilmDrunk – Movie news with an irreverent twist.
- Chicago Reader On Film – This online version of the popular Chicago newsweekly provides opinions and up-to-the-minute news on happenings in the movie world.
- Christianity Today Movies Blog – Movie news and opinions from a Christian perspective.
- Crimespree Cinema – News and reviews for any film or television show featuring criminal activity.
- Fandango Movie News Blog – “Freshly popped” movie news from the online movie ticket broker service.
- /Film – Slash Film is without a doubt one of the best movie blogs online. Should be on everyone’s list of movie blog bookmarks, in fact.
- Movie Nation – From the folks at, movie reviews, movie news, and movie gossip.
- The Weekend Warrior – Focuses on predicting the box office figures for upcoming movies.
- Film In Focus – A really slick presentation and loads and loads of content.
2012 Horror Movie Blogs
If you’re in the mood to be scared, give these horror movie blogs a try.
- The Horror Movie Blog – Constantly updated, this blog has reviews, news and opinions on all the latest horror movies.
- Horror’s Not Dead – News and trailers for both big-budget and independent horror movies.
- OMG Horror – This blog offers news, reviews, features and videos, all aimed at horror buffs.
- The Groovy Age of Horror – Formerly devoted only to horror movies and fashion from the 1960s and 1970s, this blog now offers an expanded array of content.
- Final Girl – Stacie Ponder maintains this blog devoted to the slasher films of the ‘70s and ‘80s (and she‘s pretty cute, too).
- Zombo’s Closet of Horror – An in-depth blog with all kinds of wonderful horror-related articles.
- Horror Hype Blog – If it’s related to horror, you’re sure to find it at this movie blog.
- Horror Asylum – Resident bloggers Faye and Steve weigh-in on the current state of horror.
- HorrorMovieFans – Horror fans are treated to reviews, opinions, news and interviews at this blog.
- Death in the Aisle – Reviews of such horror films as Blue Velvet, Let the Right One In, and Friday the 13th.
Classic Movie Blogs
Fans of older films will love these classic movie blogs.
- The Criterion Collection – Since this comes from the same people who put together the prestigious DVD collection, you can count on some high-quality cinematic discussions and interviews about the classics.
- Cinema OCD – Random thoughts on old movies from an author of classic film books.
- Classically Speaking – Blogged by Elizabeth Van Cleve Randolph, this site is dedicated to promoting classic films.
- The Art and Culture of Movies – An independent filmmaker from Baltimore discusses film history and theory.
- Old Movie Section – All daily content comes from G.D. Hamann’s books on films and stars of the ‘30s and ‘40s.
- Hillary’s Classic Cinema – Movie reviews from all eras, but with an emphasis on classic films.
- Movie Morlocks – Official classic movie blog for Turner Classic Movies.
- Amy’s Classic Movie Blog – Amy and Jessica review movies and rate them from one to four stars.
- Out of the Past – A well-written classic film blog by Raquelle from Massachusetts.
- Another Old Movie Blog – Offers discussions on films from the first half of the 20th century.
Foreign Movie Blogs
From Bollywood to Hong Kong action films, these foreign movie blogs will keep you in the loop.
- BollyKings – Provides analysis and reviews of Hindi or Bollywood films.
- Whale of a Tale Productions – While reviews of American movies are also included, this blog from Jonah Lee Walker spotlights Korean, Japanese and Hong Kong cinema.
- Kollywood News Online – A movie blog devoted to the Kollywood film industry and Tamil movies.
- Telugu Cinema News – Check out this blog for all your Telugu movie needs.
- All the Movie – Film news from Hollywood, Bollywood and Kollywood.
- Ever-green Film Songs – Hear all the hit songs from your favorite Bollywood musicals.
- Film Asia – Get the latest on movies from India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
- Russian Film – News and essays about the Russian film industry.
- Asian Cinema – While On the Road – Emphasis on Asian actresses and directors.
- Asian Film Archive – Concerned with preserving and exploring the art of Asian cinema.
Movie Opinion Blogs
If you’re looking for essays and more serious film discussion, give these blogs a try.
- Pullquote – Detailed and well-written blog which waxes philosophic on all aspects of the movie business.
- Green Cine Daily – Lots of interviews, plus podcasts from important film festivals such as SXSW.
- Filmfodder – Features numerous article on pop culture with an emphasis on film.
- The Movie Blog – While movie news is also available, expect to find plenty of movie opinions on this site.
- Screenplay Science – Movies and movie screenplays are analyzed by a professional script consultant.
- Tropic Cinema – A blog where viewers can discuss movies they’ve seen at the Tropic Cinema, a theater in Key West, Florida.
- Serious Popcorn – Martha Bayles offers serious opinions on new and classic films.
- Category D – A movie opinion blog devoted to film and media studies.
- David Bordwell’s Website on Cinema – Provides intriguing observations on film and film art.
- Cinema Autopsy – Features essays on film, director profiles and movie reviews.
- Movie Mistakes Blog – Nitpicky stuff, but funny and worth checking out. I’d never notice most of these “mistakes” on my own.
- Movie Mom – From the fine folks at BeliefNet, a movie mom (Nell Minnow) reviews movies for families with traditional Christian values.
- Criticker – Movie opinions and community. Some of their latest content includes a list of surreal films and an article which questions whether or not the upcoming Star Trek movie will be better than Watchmen.
- MilkPlus – The film discussion here is so entertaining and well-written that we’re including it here in spite of their not being any new posts in a month or so.
Filmmaker Blogs
These are blogs which focus on the actual filmmaking side of the movie industry. Jean-Luc Goddard said that the best way to criticize a movie is to make another movie. Maybe that’s what these bloggers are doing.
- Indie Film Blog – This one is different from the other blogs on this list, because he’s chronicling his attempt to make an indie film of his own.
- Filmmaker Blog – The official blog of Filmmaker magazine, which covers independent film in detail.
- A Moon Brothers Film – Another blog about being an independent filmmaker.
- Hollywood Elsewhere – The author offers insights and thoughts on film from his own perspective, that of a filmmaker.
Celebrity Gossip Blogs 2012
A favorite of houewives around the globe, these celebrity gossip blogs will keep you updated on the latest scandals and romances.
- Perez Hilton – The king of online celebrity gossip.
- Damn I’m Cute – Features celebrity gossip, celebrity pictures and also celebrity fashion.
- Gossip Girls – Tons of categories cover every single aspect of celebrity gossip.
- Defamer – Gossip, rumors and a smattering of actual journalism.
- Hollywood Grind – This site claims to specialize in celebrity scandal.
- Pink is the New Blog – Hearsay, rumors and celebrity gossip are all fair game at this blog.
- Celebrity Smack! – Entertainment news as well as celebrity gossip.
- Hoozie – This blog offers more celebrity gossip than you can shake a stick at.
- Daily Blabber – Celebrity news and rumors, but also information on health, beauty and style.
- Diana’s Celebrity Gossip Blog – Diana Mimon offers celebrity gossip for the network.
Specific Celebrity Blogs 2012
Instead of spreading themselves thin, these blogs focus on only one celebrity.
- Tom Cruise Fan – A blog entirely devoted to Tom Cruise.
- PittWatch – All the latest on Brad Pitt (and Angelina Jolie).
- Jennifer Aniston – News and photos all about Jennifer Aniston.
- Angelina Jolie – The latest celebrity photos and news about Angelina Jolie.
- Everything Tarantino – This blog keeps track of all current and future projects by director Quentin Tarantino.
- News Groper: Morgan Freeman’s Blog – Hilarious fake blog supposedly written by the legendary actor.
If for some reason you come across a broken link, please shoot us an email at onlygoodmovies[at]gmail[dot]com and let us know. We want this to be the finest list of the 100 best movie blogs on the Internet, so we’re always willing to make revisions to reflect the changing times.
This entry was posted on Monday, March 23rd, 2009 at 10:44 pm and is filed under Movie Megalists, Thoughts on Film. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
29 Responses to “The 100 Best Movie Blogs”
Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
See you!
Your, Raiul Baztepo
Thanks for mention!
Be sure and tell them who sent you.
Hey there!
Just found some clicks to Frame by Frame coming from this site. I thought I’d check it out and see what was going on. Thanks for the kudos and putting our movie review site on your list!
Dr. Rus & Sandra
Always happy to direct my readers to quality sites.
This is perfect for those who are really into movies and blogging. Great sources!
hey, thank you for this information. i’d never hear about this before. Keep up the good work guys!
Thank you for an very interesting resources for all of us movie fans
I hope in future my blog will be listed here, excellent blog list
Wow, never found this very long list anywhere. Very useful list..
Thank you so much for sharing my blog within your readers. I appreciate the honor very much.
This is what Im talking about! Been looking all over the internet for some blogs about movies, but nothing came to be as helpful as this! Thanks man! I appreciate the time to you spent to compile all of this.
You’re welcome.
This is an amazing list of blogs. A big thanks. This will save some time not googling all of these.
I’m going to assume you’re not considering “twitchfilm” a blog – which I guess in a sense, it isn’t any longer however, there’s more foreign knowledge spewing from that site than any other film site I have ever directed a browser at.
Well most of the web sites are no follow but it is still ok, there are couple of really good stuff in here. Thanks
Someday my blog will be on this list 🙂 these are great blogs to get an inspiration from
Great motivation to be on a list like this someday! Thank you!
where the hell is film school rejects. Film a school rejects and /film are my favorite film blogs.
many good blogs here!
Good list, needs some updating though. Many of the blogs don’t exist or are abandoned.
That’s the problem with any list of blogs. It’s inevitable that some will go the way of the dodo. I’ll put an update on my list of things to do, although it may still be a while before I get around to it. Thanks for the post, though, Ryan.
Nice i liked the collection
I have a question. I am looking for the name of a coming of age film where, at the end of the movie, the group of fifties young men walk past a cafe in Greenwich Village where Bob Dylan is singing “The Times They Are A’Changin’.” (Very symbolic.) Can anyone help me with this? Thank you.
I aspire to be one of these bloggers. I just started my film blog called “filmed up”. If anyone is interested please take a look! I only have one post on the Great Gatsby, please leave comments and suggestion!Here’s the url :
Good list, needs some updating though. Many of the blogs don’t exist or are abandoned. Film a school rejects and /film are my favorite film blogs. Thank you.
Hello Everyone
Signing onto the Indie Film maker blogs.
Getting ready to release 3 Documentaries:
Carnival of Venice,
Tahiti, The Islands of Love &
Highway 1. & alphaember
Enjoy the Eye Candy, with an undercurrent of Love.
I’ll try to work on that in the near future. Thanks for the input.
Hey, thanks for the mention!